
“There” is a good but confusing book written and illustrated by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. This book is about a little kid who is wondering what it will be like when you get there. The kid is also wondering how he will be able to get there. I had two connections to this book, one was a text to self-connection, and the other connection was a text to text connection. The text to self-connection was when the kid was wondering when he will get there and how he would get there. This reminds me of when I went to London and Rome and I was wondering how long it would take to get there and how I would get there. The other connection that I had was a text to text connection. The part in the book where the kid was wondering how to train a dragon. I  liked this book because you had to listen very well and you could leave your mind imagining what he was talking about. I really enjoyed this book.


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